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Our bible class online are offered freely to anyone interested in bible studies. These classes are directed by group of spritually led priest of BCS.  Come and learn of the Divine Mysteries of the New Kingdom of God on Earth. The deep secrets of the Holy Bible will be unveiled to your understanding.
You will learn from the Holy Writ (The Holy Bible) the secrets of the coded Word of God as decoded by the Supernatural Teacher, the Spirit of Truth.
Learn the secrets of the management of your life according to the directives of the Spirit of God. Understand the secrets of Home Management and Emotional Control through the instrumentation of the Word of God Understand life's management anchored on the Word and Way of God. Know Yourself as a bonafide child of God.

Please join us for ongoing bible class meetings via zoom. Meeting ID: 929 350 1183 Password: 0001918
If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.
Everlasting Gospels

Gospels by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu

"Women should be considered in all fields of endevor" more>>>

The doctrine of forgiveness. more>>>


"And this commandment have we from him  That he who loveth... More>>>

The panacea for world peace...more>>>


Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy......more>>>

Spoken Word
Spoken Word

Word is very powerful and efficacious that is why we must be very mindful...more>>>


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up...more>>>


There is no other way in which you can serve God without having faith through hearing the word of God...more>>>


Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it...more>>>