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Everlasting Gospel

The death of Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought salvation unto the whole world and we have been made children of God through His death. Recall what happened at that time?...more>>>

Why do you not fast if you need power? I have imparted this recondite wisdom to the entire world so that people may not...more>>>

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave this injunction to humanity:" so likewise shall my heavenly father do unto you, if ye ...more>>>

God wants you to worship Him in spirit and in truth and act according to the dictates of the Holy Spirit . You should not doubt Him or question His actions...more>>>

Flee From Sins
Flee From Sins

If you desire to enter into the kingdom of God, you must persistently practice righteousness. It was in the light of this that Our Lord Jesus Christ...more>>>


EPHESIANS 5:25 "Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it."...more>>>