![]() The Everlasting Gospel Outreach Interactive sessions
The Everlasting Gospel Outreach Interactive session(EGO). The mission of Everlasting Gospel Outreach (EGO) is to spread the Gospel of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu to all nooks and crannies of the world. The Everlasting Gospel is the first and last testament. the symbol of 3rd covenant by the Holy spirit Personified and Supernatural teacher Leader Olumba Olumba Obu delivered to salvage the entire human race. The sooner man accept the Everlasting Gospel which is God Himself, the better because it will return man to God and solve all your problems. Therefore, Everlasting Gospel must be spread to all Nations , Tribes and tongue and people as it written in book of Revelation 14 : 6"And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having Everlasting Gospel to preach onto them that on earth even nations, kindred and tongues" .That is the reason we device means to spread this gospel..The Everlasting Gospel is online in Volume 1, 2 & 3 for download. The Everlasting Gospel interactive sessions is biweekly, every other Thursday. The purpose is bringall brethren together in oneness and love invite friends , families, neighbors, co-workers to discuss and share a common goal, reason together our experiences, ask questions, challenges in live situations, in evangelism and any BCS doctrines we do not understand We also learn and share our thoughts a about the kingdom of God on earth.The Everlasting Gospel is streaming on radio stations in some states in USA. Truly, the Everlasting Gospel interactive is a blessing to all, Father uses this medium to change us individually and collectively, spiritually and physically , our attitudes, language, mindset, and provide solutions to our problems. Indeed, Everlasting Gospel is the truth,the way, the light and God Himself. |