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Christ Natural General Fellowship
Christ Natural General Fellowship

As the name imlpies, it is the asemblage of all creatures, inluding children. As the mother of all fellowship, it oversees and coordinates the activities of the other fellowships in any given administrative stratum. Operating on the 'ideology of unity of purpose' She promotes, encourages and ensures oneness, togetherness and peaceful coexistence in all operations and activities among brethren. General fellowship is likened to the house of representatives, it is mandatory that all members register in this fellowship. She is among the Core and fundamental fellowship.


General Fellowship Meeting

Date: Last Saturday of every month Time: 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 PM CT, and 5:00 PM PT, 

We are pleased to announce our monthly general fellowship meeting, which will be held on the last Saturday of each month at 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 PM CT, and 5:00 PM PT. This meeting is open to all members of BCS, as well as any newcomers who are interested in joining.

The general fellowship meeting provides a wonderful opportunity for us to come together, share experiences, support one another, and strengthen our bond as brethren. We will have discussions, and various activities planned to facilitate meaningful interactions and personal growth.

Meeting Details:

  • Date: Last Saturday of every month
  • Time: 8:00 PM ET, 7:00 PM CT, and 5:00 PM PT
  • Location: Zoom

Join via zoom:

Meeting ID: 929 350 1183; Passcode: 0001918

We encourage all members to actively participate and contribute to the meeting. If you have any specific topics or ideas you would like to discuss, please feel free to share them with us ahead of time.

Please mark your calendars and make sure to attend this important gathering. Your presence and input are valuable to the success of our fellowship.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact Her Eminence Perfecta Ekpo at 1-888-670-5889.

We look forward to seeing you at the general fellowship meeting!

Best regards,

Her Eminence Perfecta Ekpo

National General fellowship 

About us

Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is a universal divine kingdom which was established by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu in 1956. It is a kingdom that has grown like a proverbial mustard seed into a worldwide phenomenon with branches in different parts of the world. more>>>


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1006 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
1-888-670-5891 (fax)