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Welcome to BCS!

Thank you for your interest in membership at BCS. The following information should help as you seek the God’s direction regarding involvement here at BCS. If you have questions regarding any of this information, please feel free to contact BCS USA at 1-888-670-5889 ext 101

The Everlasting Gospel

What is the Everlasting Gospel? The Everlasting Gospel is a compilation of all the precepts, norms, Gospels, Bible classes, Altar briefs and teachings of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu to the entire world. We are encoraged to read everlasting gospel for healing, knowledge, understandig and everything you need to know about BCS. More>>>

The First Step to God

Divine instructions for the followers of god in Brotherhood of the cross and star. All members of BCS are to practise the teachings of the Holy Spirit as contained in the Everlasting Gospel of the Holy Father. More>>>


Anyone who wishes to be a member of BCS Kingdom must receive baptism by immersion. Our Lord Jesus Christ went on His own volition to John and requested for water baptism. Then He was baptized through immersion by John. More>>> 


The Christ Universal Welfare Fellowship is responsible to cater for the welfare of brethren. If you are in need of anything please contact the chairperson of Welfare in your Bethel or the national chairperson at 1-888-670-5889 

Fellowship Meetings

All members are expected to attend fellowship meetings, please visit the calendar of events page for schedule of meetings and contact the priest in your bethel for more information. The national general fellowship meeting is ones a month via zoom, login on this site for ID and password


In BCS we are taught to pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17–19) . Whatever your problem is take it to God in prayers and He will answer you. John 14:13"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son." more>>>

Confirmation of Membership

All members are required to obtain the following credentials for identification, please contact your bethel administration for the following: 

  • Baptismal card
  • Membership card
  • Men's or Women's fellowship card


GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 13:34 – 35

A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. The only existing law in the kingdom of God is brotherly love. Everybody co-exists in oneness and love. So all you are required to do is to express love for one another. If there is anything worthy of human consideration, it should be love. The most precious and worthiest thing in life is love. There is no doubt that all of us are familiar with the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ on love. In His teachings, Christ thoroughly expatiated the concept of love so that nobody would feign ignorance of its paramount importance in our daily lives. Christ's unique ability to practically demonstrate love was the only overwhelming achievement that conferred on Him the divine title of King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It would not be an exaggeration if we accord love the greatest glory much more than anything else in whole world. There was no other thing apart from love that prompted Christ to stoop so low as to accept the shameful death on the cross for the remission of the sins of humanity. So it was Christ who revealed love to the world. What we are enjoined to do is to closely follow His footsteps. Although love was never practiced until the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it had been in existence even before the foundation of the world was laid.


Everything in heaven and on earth is ruled by love. We are advised to continue in love, especially now that we have the understanding that God and Christ are love. Undeniably, it is better to dwell in love than cause confusion, engage in quarrelling, falsehood end other unwholesome acts. Love does not rejoice in evil. Love constitutes mercy, meekness, humility, kindness and the rest of the virtues. Christ is love, and because of that, He declared that He is the vine while we are the branches; and whoever does not abide in Him cannot accomplish any work. All the problems that befall man emanate from his lack of love. A sower of a seed of discord indulges in falsehood, stealing, nurtures the spirit of disunity, stinginess and malice, and as such embodies all the virtues of God. There is an iota of love in everything visible and invisible. Love is immeasurable. Everlasting gospel by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu



"And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him."If anyone offends you and asks for forgiveness, you must forgive him. If one offends you seven times a day and asks for forgiveness seven times a day, you are duty-bound to forgive and forget. The Key to This Kingdom of God is in the word, FORGIVENESS. This was in the last of the teaching our Lord Jesus Christ imparted to His Disciples. He also practiced this teaching. As the Last Food He had with the disciples is called the Last Supper, so is this Gospel called the Last Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Any time you are sick or exposed to any afflictions that tends to take your life, the first thing to do is to forgive all those who offended you and everything will be well. If you have someone in your mind that you have not forgiven, you have caused death to yourself. Though you have practiced all the other gospels and you fail to practice this one, salvation will surely elude you.


It is neither long nor wide. Pass through this door and you will surely inherit this Kingdom. This Gospel is short but tedious. Since you were bent, all the offences that have been committed against you must now be forgiven and forgotten. If someone has waylaid you, or destroyed and assassinated your character, forgive him NOW. This Gospel is founded on Truth. It is salvation to those who believe and practice it, but damnation for those who ignore it. The route to Heaven is open to the entire world if they forgive one another. THE PROVISO: Our Lord Jesus Christ gave this injunction to humanity:

"So likewise: shall my heavenly Father do unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses"

Brethren: you can now see why our Lord Jesus Christ said that those who initiated His crucifixion should be forgiven by His Father- God, because they never knew what they had done. If our Lord Jesus Christ had not uttered this statement, He would have perished. There would have been no way our Lord Jesus Christ would have been forgiven. What sin is greater than that committed against our Lord Jesus Christ? Yet He asked the Father to forgive His accusers and enemies, because they did not know what they were doing. Note that the people who crucified our Lord Jesus Christ did not come forward to beg for forgiveness before He said those words. Whoever you are; whatever position you have in this life or before God; if you fail to forgive your enemies, you have failed woefully! Romans 12: 19 says, "Dearly beloved avenges not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is Mine: I will repay, says 'The Lord'. It is the duty of God to avenge even for the smallest rat, goat, trees, birds and the whole humanity, if they adhere to His injunctions. Whatever you do to someone else, God will do the same in the exact measure to you. Those who have ears let them hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen