![]() Pentecostal periods: this is a periodical fellowship with the Holy Father whereby, everyday activities of the smaller Bethel's are closed and further activities are carried out in the appointed Pentecostal Centers.
There are three seasons of Pentecostal and they all signify the three most important stages of our Lord Jesus Christ.
During these periods there are 10am and 7pm services every day, followed by different fellowship meetings with the Holy Father whereby the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, Leader O. O. Obu imparts enormous blessings and advises to His children.
December Pentecostal:- is in remembrance and celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ Luke 2:10-14, and the birth of the supernatural Teacher, Leader O.O. Obu Isaiah 63:1, on December 30th. The whole world is invited to these wonderful celebrations at any Pentecostal Center near your home.
April Pentecostal:- is in remembrance of the betrayal, torture, pain, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fulfillment of His promise; that He will return John 14:3-4 and that He will send the Comforter which is the Holy Spirit, John 16:7. The spirit of truth, John 16:13, the Perfect Man who will lead all to the accurate knowledge of truth and who will bring all that is in parts to whole, 1 Corinthians 13:10 &12. The promise of the personification of the Holy Trinity God and the establishment of the new and last kingdom of God on earth, with men is fulfilled today Daniel 2:44, Rev 21:3-4.
August Pentecostal August Pentecostal:- to commemorate the time which our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist and revealed by God as His beloved Son on August 8. Matt 3:16-17. The great March BCS members put on the Royal Robe or white Soutane for the very first time and also moved from '8 Eton' street - the thatched house to 26 Mbukpa street - a much bigger place on 8. 8. 1958.
Weeks:- there are also weekly activities and celebrations after the Pentecostal; which are undertaken by different fellowships each week, such as women fellowship week, men fellowship week, children fellowship week, Christ Natural Crusade week, Christ Natural Chorister’s week, Spirited Children’s week etc. |